
Senior Choir - creativity

Aim: To perform for the music soiree, we sang "The Longest Time" by Billy Joel a acapella (no instuments) and also we had to perform for the grade 12 graduation "The Longest Time" again along with " Apologise" by One Republic.

Site: ISP music room (to practice),

Supervisor: Mrs.Lathuillerie

As we need to have a time to practice for this activity we had some extra time for spending our time after school to practice (There was no excuse to for missing a class). It was pretty hard to sing the chorus part at the same time with other people. So we are really needed to be build as one group to be symphonize.

This was a new challenge to sing in a group a capella, and as a bass i needed to keep everything together with beat and tune. I was committed to this and enjoyed the challenge of it. I was caring about helping others with their parts and being patient.

I spent about 14 hours for this activity (including practice, music soiree and G12 graduation time)


As I love the music, Im really pleased to singing or performing my show in front of people at the stage. So actually, this activity gave me good oportunity to enjoy my self but also entertaining a lots of audience such as ISP students and their parents. Also, this choir activity made improve my singing skill. Therefore, it encouraged me to sing more infront of people in my band ( The band for music soiree). I felt that I cannot live without "music" in my life. This is the best way of people can be cooperative and peaceful.

(Creativity: Total 14 hours)

This is the youtube link that shows the music soiree (Im singing "The Longest Time at the center of group).

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